Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Presentation, Top Photoshops & Photos

 Most likely my best photoshops. Voila.

Team Coco Photoshop

Minion Photoshop
Minion Before

Minion transformed into Tyrone.

Digital Hair & Makeup (Animal)

Cubist on Marty McFly (Internet)

Deadpool & Spiderman (Split-Face)

Spiderman (Black and White)


Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekly Vocab 11/16

Camera Obscura
A darkened box with a convex lens or aperture for projecting the image of an external object onto a screen inside.

Speed Graphic (Graflex) Camera
Often called the most famous press camera, a fairly slow camera that required the photographer to change the film holder.

Contax Camera
A camera known for its wide range of Zeiss lenses which were known for their high optical quality.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Weekly Vocab - 11/2

Fill Flash
Photography technique used to brighten dark shadow areas.

Documentary Photographer
A popular version of photography used to show relevant and significant history.

Magnesium Flare
Lit magnesium ribbons used to provide light in early photography, now seen as a novelty by many.